what is a nub?
Storynub is a place for short stories, science, and philosophy. Every story has an accompanying nub, which dives into the ideas beneath it. Some nubs explore philosophy and culture, others scientific discoveries and theories.
Also, according to Urban Dictionary, a nub is someone who remains terrible at something (i.e. stays a noob) despite considerable practice. I refuse to accept this as foreshadowing.

what is this bird?
The Great Crested Grebe is a European water bird. When it hunts, it looks for signs of fish both above and below the water surface before it dives.
The grebe above water marks stories. If you want to know more about the background of a story, look for the grebe peering below the surface, which marks nubs.

Also, the grebe’s scientific name (Podiceps cristatus) translates roughly to Arsefoot, which is just wonderful.
who am I?
Hi, I’m Sven. Good to meet you.
I am a medical doctor and (just like you) I like reading and knowing things. I love to tell stories and to write about the thrilling stuff our universe is filled to the brim with. I hope you enjoy storynub.